Blanka Szeitl

Blanka Szeitl
Download CV Junior Research Fellow (MTA TK SZI)
Research Interests

Blanka Szeitl, PhD, is a research assistant at the Centre for Social Science. She defended her dissertation in 2025 in the field of mathematics at the Bolyai Institute of the University of Szeged. Her research focuses on the mathematical and statistical background of survey research, with particular emphasis on sampling methods, data correction procedures, and human factors that may distort the results of quantitative data collection. She is an assistant professor at the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences, ELTE, and a founder and researcher of the ELTE Survey Methods Room Budapest research group. Since 2024, she has been a member of the European Social Survey (ESS) Sampling and Weighting Panel, responsible for developing the sampling strategy for European countries participating in the ESS data collection. She also participates in methodological experiments related to the ESS and analyzes their results at the Institute of Sociology.


Selected Publications

Szeitl B. -  Fellner Z. (2023) Kis hiányból nagy hiba: Internetes kérdőíves adatgyűjtésekből származó becslések torzítása a magyar lakosság jellemzői alapján SOCIO.HU : TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE 13 : 3 pp. 1-19. , 19 p. 

Szeitl B. -  Rudas T. (2022) Reducing variance with sample allocation based on expected response rates in stratified sample designs JOURNAL OF SURVEY STATISTICS AND METHODOLOGY 10 : 4 pp. 1107-1120. , 14 p.

Nagy-Borsy E. - Vági Zs. - Skerlecz P. -  Szeitl B. - Kiss I. - Rákosy Zs. (2021) Health status and health behaviour of the Hungarian homeless people ARCHIVES OF PUBLIC HEALTH 79 : 1 Paper: 15 , 12 p.

Simonovits G. -  Kates S. - Szeitl B. (2019) Local Economic Shocks and National Election Outcomes: Evidence from Hungarian Administrative Data POLITICAL BEHAVIOR 41 : 2 pp. 337-348. , 12 p.

Research Projects

Assessing the current state of survey interviewers’ network for empirical social sciences (Project leader, SYLFF Research Grant)

Infra4NextGen - Providing research infrastructure services to support Next Generation EU (researcher)

European Social Survey, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (researcher)